Edward Harrison Article, PSA and Commercial

It’s a great article speaking of how humans are constantly try to fill the void which seems derived of raw knowledge. There is a constant search for more about things we do not and may never understand and such drive and hunger for the idealistic person, a perfection that is yet to be discovered. However, it seems as though we continuously overestimate our abilities to decode such a complex world and its workings because we are always finding a new way that is the apparent epiphany that will lead us down the path to idealism. What we are incorrect about is that there is no answer to knowledge and no limit to the source of knowing. It seems as though we continue to attempt to distinguish the image displayed in the reflection, however the problem is that the water is never still, it is always moving and changing and morphing what we perceive to be the truth. The world changes and so do the things within it and therefore many times all of the preconceptions that were had are shattered within an instant, so quickly that we are left dazed and confused. What brings us back is our imagination and creationism. Our ability to create the world we live in through our minds is something that continues to amaze, demonstrating the human capacity to think deeper and grander that could have been previously imagined.

The video was very interesting because it seemed to cover several topics in a short amount of time. It is very amazing to see how opinions and the view of the issues has really changed over time and how naive and ignorant many were. Not say that there are not people like that now, but the numbers have diminished and people have accepted the fact that our planet is suffering. Its interesting that there was such a huge debate over global warming even though scientific studies were showing people what was really happening. People were scared and therefore, refused to believe what they were being told. It really demonstrates how as a species, we are so ignorant and resistant to change even though it often happens without knowing at all.

Here is a tweet to an article about ways to make our brain smarter. http://www.fastcompany.com/3020168/leadership-now/5-surprising-science-backed-ways-to-get-smarter-today

The site itself may not be very credible, but the claims on the other hand are things that I have heard, circulating about in the bustle of scientific discovery recently. However, which of these claims can really be trusted? How can we know that what we are reading is the truth? Just because it is backed up by some credited professor? This article is just another great example of how we continue to search for ways of advancement and ways of knowing faster and better and smarter. This seemingly unquenchable thirst for knowledge is something that continues to guide and mold the decision making of society and discovery today.

This I Believe Project

The movie is actually composed of original photography that has been taken by some of our grade members. I chose to use this specific format for this project because I wanted to be able to show how each of us is completely different in the way we see the world. Through the eyes of a camera, we capture these precious moments and in a way, even though some may be considered as a typical Instagram of Facebook photo, we are all unconventional in our own way. None of us are the same and however hard we try to fit into the norm of society, we are all out of the box and crazy special. We may be non believers and deny that our existence matters, but each us makes the world an exciting and unique place. I believe that inside, we are all mavericks.

Creation Process
To begin the creation of this video, I had to ask several people in our grade if I had permission to use their photos in my video and then I began to collect individual photos that would match each individual belief. This was the part that took a very long time because I had to search through probably more than 100 photos to find just the right match. I then had to somehow transfer all of these photos to my computer so that I could input them into the Movie Maker. So what I ended up doing was taking a screenshot (because you can’t save someone else’s picture on Instagram, which was where the majority of my photos came from) of each photo, and then emailing it to myself and saving all of the pictures to my computer. I then had to resize and edit each photo so that they would fit well into the frame or screen that movie maker offers. Originally, I had wanted to add a fade transition for each slide, however when I tried to do that, it completely screwed up the entire caption line that I had already written out and that went with each picture so that many of the captions disappeared and the times that I set each caption to go for got messed up as well. so in the end, I just had to be content with what I had produced. If I could improve this video somehow, I would have added some sort of film footage itself just to give the video some sort of movement to it, however not too much because I don’t want the film to take away the attention from the actual beliefs themselves.